Heart of Arts

Toyin Falola to Deliver UNILORIN Convocation Lecture Tomorrow

The University of Ilorin prepares for the 37th & 38th combined Convocation Ceremony with the highlight being the eagerly anticipated Convocation Lecture to be delivered by Professor Toyin Falola, a distinguished professor of History at the Department of History, University of Texas, Austin, United States of America. The lecture is set to take place tomorrow, Friday, 20th October, 2023 by 9:45am at the University Auditorium.

The Convocation Lecturer will be speaking on “Modernity, Modernization, and Values.” In a preview of the paper, Professor Falola will argue that “In the context of this dynamic narrative, the young population of Nigeria assumes a leading role, driving the nation towards unexplored territories where individual ambitions, self-assertion, and independence are increasingly taking center stage.  Modernity in Nigeria is characterized by a vibrant youth culture that is progressively diverging from the communal affiliations delineated by ethnicity, religious beliefs, or geographic proximity.  In their place, a nascent sense of self is being nurtured, predicated upon individual accomplishments and aspirations. The emergence of entrepreneurial activities within Nigeria’s urban hubs, particularly the exemplification of a vibrant “hustle culture” in Lagos, reflects a growing demand for personal accomplishments, a departure from conventional trajectories, and a wholehearted embrace of venturesome endeavors and innovative thinking.

The importance of education and the influence of global connectivity, facilitated by the digital revolution, should not be underestimated within this specific context. The widespread dissemination of diverse ideas, philosophies, and lifestyles facilitated by digital platforms has cultivated a population increasingly inclined towards critical inquiry, rational thinking, and the pursuit of unique trajectories, sometimes deviating from established conventions and customs.  Moreover, the advent of the digital age has facilitated cultural globalization, where the sharing and celebration of personal narratives can occur on an unparalleled scale. This has created a cultural environment that reverses individual stories and triumphs.”

The event will also include the graduation of students from various programs across multiple faculties. This ceremony will see the award of first degrees for a wide range of fields, including Agriculture, Arts, Basic Medical Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Law, and more.

As part of the celebrations, there will be additional events on the following days, including graduation ceremonies for various programs and the commissioning of projects by the Visitor on Monday, 23rd October, 2023.

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