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Innovation Research and Quality Education for Sustainable Development in Nigeria

Toyin Falola
Emeritus Professor in the Humanities, Lead City University

Excerpt of Keynote Address delivered at Lead City University, October 17, 2023

Nigeria is on the verge of a transformative moment, with the convergence of innovation research and high-quality education emerging as critical drivers of long-term progress. Nigeria’s path to a socially and environmentally sustainable future significantly depends on exploiting these two pillars of progress. A discernible shift is visible inside Nigeria. Innovation research is no longer confined to closed laboratories, or corporate think tanks. Instead, it may be heard in our institutions, technology centres, and local communities. From the promise of renewable energy sources to revolutionary agricultural practices tailored to Nigeria’s specific ecosystems, this new approach to innovation is solving important environmental and societal concerns. A collaborative narrative can be credited with a substantial portion of this innovative surge. A formidable trio of academic institutions, companies, and government agencies has formed, pooling their capabilities and resources to steer Nigeria onto a more sustainable path. Concrete examples, reinforced by case studies, prove how these collaborative efforts translate ideas into tangible achievements.

Similarly, the introduction of high-quality education is recognised as a transforming force. In Nigeria, the broader perspective of education is transforming. The emphasis is no longer just on academic knowledge acquisition; it now includes values, ethics, and critical thinking – a necessary shift for creating responsible citizenship and instilling environmental awareness. The illuminating potential of education emphasises its ability to equip students with the necessary skills and information, positioning them as catalysts for constructive transformations. This pedagogical progress goes beyond ordinary rote learning. A wonderful story emerges, illustrating education’s enormous capacity to act as a transformative force. The modern research-based learning strategy is actively moulding young minds. It encourages not only knowledge acquisition but also critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Today’s young Nigerians are urged to go beyond being passive recipients of knowledge. Instead, kids are encouraged to participate actively in their learning journeys, with schools and institutions acting as incubators for developing innovative abilities. This strategy, by definition, empowers students to engage as change agents, proactively confronting complicated situations. While thrilling, this fusion of education and innovation is also purpose-driven, attempting to bridge the frequently existing gap between academic knowledge and its real-world applications. Workshops, internships, and mentorship programmes progressively bridge this gap by grounding academic learning in real-world experiences. This emphasis on practical application is emphasised by efforts to inculcate in students a greater feeling of responsibility towards society and the environment. It is about developing individuals who excel in their chosen disciplines while also being mindful of the greater context in which they function. We present a lively image for the next generation by exhibiting success stories of young innovators and educators who have made significant societal contributions. This proactive approach provides role models and issues a clarion cry, arguing that important societal contributions can begin during one’s earliest years.

A significant aspect emerges from considering the overlapping worlds of innovation and education: the unparalleled importance of mentorship and career development within sustainable development. This intersection provides opportunities that extend beyond the usual classroom setting. A rich tapestry of knowledge, experience, and excitement is weaved through establishing beneficial ties between seasoned experts and the effervescent youth. This powerful tapestry contains mentorship, practical insight, and a strong desire to contribute to Nigeria’s long-term success. The core of such programmes is the experiential learning they provide – a gold mine for young brains anxious to establish a name for themselves. It acts as a bridge, effectively bridging the often-difficult gap between academic theory and its practical application in our communities.

Higher education institutions in Nigeria are becoming epicentres of intellectual research and pioneering innovations rather than simply citadels of learning. These institutions, particularly our universities, are uniquely positioned to guide the nation towards long-term development. These institutions reflect the essence of leadership in this sector by incorporating sustainability into their research agendas, curricula, and even day-to-day operations. Their function is multifarious. They not only mould the minds of the future but can also affect social ideas on sustainability today. Their broad scope gives them the opportunity and obligation to promote a full awareness of sustainability’s many facets. The emphasis on integrating innovation and education policy with Nigeria’s broader sustainable development goals enhances the narrative. This harmony is more than just a formality. It is a strategic endeavour to ensure the nation’s education system is aligned with its long-term objectives. Developing and implementing policies that encourage research, promote the cause of high-quality education, and stimulate collaboration among academics, industry, and government are critical. This creates a nurturing and conducive climate to the tireless pursuit of sustainable development.

The concept of a continual cycle of scholarly investigation, imaginative ideas, and instructional activities is central to this discourse. The revolutionary potential of research is undeniable, with new ideas and pioneering solutions emerging regularly. It is a dynamic process that must be constantly revitalised by incorporating these discoveries into instructional frameworks. This integration ensures that future generations are equipped with modern tools and competencies. They are transformed into torchbearers of innovation, capable of offering new insights and ground-breaking solutions, driving an ongoing cycle of advancement. The journey, however, is not without its difficulties. While policies and routes for sustainable development become clearer, implementation challenges remain. Government policies and actions have a significant impact on the educational landscape. Their influence goes beyond simple regulation; they have the opportunity to instil sustainability at the heart of our educational culture. These measures demonstrate the nation’s steadfast commitment to a sustainable future when executed with precision and foresight.

As we explore deeper into the complexities of sustainable development, a compelling pattern emerges the significant interaction between innovation and education. Each is powerful in its own right. However, working together creates a synergy that can drive dramatic change, especially in a country as diverse and vibrant as Nigeria. The impact of success stories, particularly those centred on young inventors and educators in Nigeria, is enormous. It sparks a spark when young brains see their peers and people their age making a difference through inventive solutions and educational pursuits. This spark, often inspired by inspiration, propels them on similar paths. By sharing these success stories, we do more than just celebrate accomplishments; we set the stage for a chain reaction of sustainable solutions. These stories demonstrate that age is not a barrier to having a great effect. On the other hand, youth carries a fresh perspective, free of convention and often motivated by uncontrolled excitement.

Our investigation also highlights the significance of a holistic educational strategy that goes beyond the limitations of traditional academic knowledge. We lay the groundwork for responsible citizenship and environmental concern by instilling values ethics, and encouraging critical thinking. Such an educational paradigm is about developing leaders, innovators, and conscientious citizens capable of navigating the difficulties of our times, not merely generating graduates. The intersection of innovation, a furnace for pioneering solutions, and education, a channel for distributing information and sharpening skills, serves as the foundation for transformational developments. We’ve seen the practical results of coordinated efforts in which academic institutions, industries, and governmental agencies form a tripartite united in their objective to steer Nigeria onto a more sustainable path. Concrete outcomes from such partnerships demonstrate the strength of collaboration and the potential that emerges when expertise from many areas converges on common goals.

As we look ahead, the conversation about creating an atmosphere conducive to creativity and sustainability among Nigeria’s burgeoning youth becomes more important. Their enthusiasm, ideas, and potential are the most valuable assets in the country. The relationship between educational institutions and sustainable development is more than just strategic; it is synergistic. As academia improves and coincides with long-term goals, it becomes a lighthouse for the nation’s progress, guiding efforts and establishing standards for future generations. In essence, combining innovation research and high-quality education is a plan and a requirement for Nigeria’s path to long-term prosperity. It serves as a resilient backbone, solving environmental and socioeconomic concerns while keeping the country adaptable, innovative, and forward-thinking. This alliance’s tapestry is complicated, rich, and promising, foreshadowing a future in which Nigeria will be a sustainable, innovative, and educational achievement model.

            Let me end by commending Lead City University for leading the conversation on this important subject. A University based on the need for innovations is providing the leadership on the pathways to provide research and quality education to lead us into a new era. On behalf of all the conference participants, I offer words of praise and gratitude to Professor Afolakemi Oredein, the Provost and conference host; Professor Taye Babalaye, the 80-year-old man who has the energy of a man in his 40s, who chaired the Orginizing Committee; Professor Godwin Oyedokun, Chair of the Technical Committee; Dr. Roli Adebusuyi who handled the protocols; Dr. Whaeed Busari, chair of publicity, and Dr. Igbo Fayemi, the chair of logistics and programs.

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