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Falola, Decolonizing African Knowledge | © 2022

Falola, Decolonizing African Knowledge | © 2022

This is to announce a new book by Toyin Falola:


Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Print publication year: 2022
Online ISBN: 9781009049634
Series Subjects: African Identities: Past and Present, Area Studies, African Studies, Social and Cultural Anthropology, History, Anthropology, African History
Author: Toyin Falola



Addressing the consequences of European slavery, colonialism, and neo-colonialism on African history, knowledge and its institutions, this innovative book applies autoethnography to the understanding of African knowledge systems. Considering the ‘Self’ and Yoruba Being (the individual and the collective) in the context of the African decolonial project, Falola strips away Eurocentric influences and interruptions from African epistemology. Avoiding colonial archival sources, it grounds itself in alternative archives created by memory, spoken words, images and photographs to look at the themes of politics, culture, nation, ethnicity, satire, poetics, magic, myth, metaphor, sculpture, textiles, hair and gender. Vividly illustrated in colour, it uses diverse and novel methods to access an African way of knowing. Exploring the different ways that a society understands and presents itself, this book highlights convergence, enmeshing private and public data to provide a comprehensive understanding of society, public consciousness, and cultural identity.


Find More: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/decolonizing-african-knowledge/1296996BE948B52843872FAA948447BE

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